You Don’t Know Suffering
For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Hebrews 2:18
What relief we have when we sit all the way down either in treatment, counseling, or recovery! That moment when we take the cotton out of our ears and put it in our mouths.
We become—perhaps only momentarily—coachable enough to hear truth. And if we're attentive, we sometimes hear similarities too.
There is beauty and freedom, and a realization that perhaps we are not as unique as we thought.
We hear those who have shared in similar predicaments of continuing to chase their addiction long past when it was satisfying, fun and occasionally appropriate.
They've come out the other side and are able to share their experience, strength and hope without the judgment we're used to, without the condemnation we know we deserve.
And this is just the beginning; they represent just the fringe benefits of being a vessel to one who has all power.
If we believe the scriptures, we have faith in one who not only retains all power, but who empathizes with all weakness and suffering and temptation, having become like us in every way, enduring humanity in every breath and coming out the other side broken and crucified and reborn.
In the same way do our little rebirths mirror his ultimate sacrifice for our sake.
Just as our friends and mentors and sponsors have gone before us and can now be used to point toward the pathway to freedom in recovery, so we all lean on Christ who has trudged the human journey before us.
Whatever we are enduring, He also suffered much and gives us the courage and the fellowship to persevere and keep leaning forward.
God, give me an inkling of your endurance.