Tough Work
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6
I don’t like waiting, and don’t lie to me and tell me that you do.
We always would rather not wait for something that is coming to us.
Now, we also have a wealth - sometimes a lifetime - of experience with patiently waiting for things to come to fruition.
There is deep value and wisdom in allowing the passage of time to massage our life’s work, our relationships, our crafts, our pursuits.
Mastery, and with it, deeper satisfaction, comes only after hours, days, years of time.
And yet…I still hate waiting. I’m drawn to equating speed with satisfaction.
Few things are more dangerous on the road to recovery or during the early months of it than the creeping insecurity brought about by the expectation of needing tomorrow’s results today.
And how hard this is to see without someone speaking the truth into us!
We will lie to ourselves in a heartbeat—our mind, often anxious for a drug or quick hit of dopamine. We lash out for an excuse to act out.
We’re blind to the fulfillment that comes from slowly walking the path He has set in front of us.
Rest assured: he will bring his good work to completion in you—in spite of you—if you will hold fast to Him and a fellowship of friends to remind you of the truth.
The trudge of early recovery feels like eternity. But it is worth the trudge because eternity is exactly what we are leaning toward.
God, help me find eternity in each moment in front of me.