Thought Life

Thought Life

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

Psalm 145:18

My relationship with God is the foundation of my thought life.

How do you start your day?

The imprint of my actions is formed in the first moments and hours of the day. How I choose to start often deeply affects the course of my mind throughout my day.

This is why it’s suggested in 12 step programs just as in Sunday schools to practice the age-old habits of prayer, study and meditation on a daily basis.

This isn’t the entirety of recovery programs, but these spiritual practices are the bedrock from which an active, sober and healthy life can grow.

What I feed my mind will echo throughout my day. And I will grow into what I consistently eat. Spiritual food acts in much the same way as physical food.

And eating spiritual fast food will deplete my well-being even while it sustains me enough to watch myself become lethargic, grumpy and bitter.

Beginning my day with a full spiritual meal: with the attentive reading of God’s word and other selected literature, with thoughtful prayer for the directing of my thoughts and actions through the day, with earnest seeking of his will through journaling, with listening to stories of recovery for encouragement.

These are a few examples, but we shouldn’t limited ourselves to stop here.

And we shouldn’t pressure ourselves to do this perfectly either. Find the habits that work best for you. Be sure to include the core of study, prayer and mediation.

Oh, and take it easy. God doesn’t want to bog us down in responsibility after responsibility. Seeking him is actually the easy way once we begin practicing the habit.

Not every day will be perfect either. I still eat fast food from time to time.

God, direct my thinking, and help me find my spiritual routine.