Pride of the insects

Pride of the insects

For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭25

It’s tough being a know-it-all. No one signs up for the position; it just sort of happens. Somewhere along the line it’s just a consequence of inputs and outputs coupled together with ego and/or blindness.

Add addiction to the mix and you’ve enflamed the issue. A bit of alcohol turns the best of us into a different version of ourselves. Crank up the dosage and you’ll get an ear full.

We’ve all been there. Listening to someone drone on about God knows what, held in rapture by their own voice: somehow perpetuating the monologue.

This is as good a picture of addiction as any, though of course you don’t have to fall into addiction to suffer the consequences or be the culprit of this affair.

Addiction begs for fuel. It feeds on attention. It props us up and whispers lies sprinkled with enough truth sounding tidbits to be believed. It convinced us we know better.

We are the center of its universe. And it feels good. And we want to stay there. The only admissions we are interested in are in the past because we’ve got things figured out now.

Everyone loves a confident person, right? We begin to see the secret to confidence. But it is thin protection against the truths.

We forgot about character and perseverance and the long battles life spares no one from.

We expected in our merrymaking that to speak of the betterment of such things would preclude us from them.

We took shortcuts. And if we keep talking long enough, it becomes apparent that the attractive substance of a well-established life is sorely missing.

God, save me from the arrogance that seemed like a good idea.