Praying About It

Praying About It

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.

James‬ ‭5‬:‭13

You know that person who always says, “pray about it”? It doesn’t matter the issue that you’ve shared, their first response is to ask if you’ve prayed.

Pretty annoying sometimes, right?

Give me an answer. Don’t chalk it up to seeking God every time. Can’t I just have clear cut direction?

But the advice is good. The suggestion is apt. In all circumstances, we should be positioning ourselves to pray.

And this begs the question of what prayer truly is. Am I actually praying or even thinking about prayer correctly?

It is sometimes a well thought through plea to God. It is sometimes a quick, reactive thought. It is sometimes a sharp response. It is sometimes a tear-choked cry. It is sometimes brief and sometimes never ending.

But it should be constant. As we establish a relationship with God, he desires us to draw near to Him and to seek Him in prayer.

It becomes a posture for living one day at a time rather than an infrequent glance toward Him for reassurance or direction.

And it reminds us that we are both not alone and also incapable of solving our addiction malady alone.

Prayer is the daily reminder that we are dust. It is the moment by moment offering of ourselves. It is the persistent power we draw from.

God, let me know you more fully and seek you more often.