Permanent Adolescence

Permanent Adolescence

but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭14

I’ll tell you what: the best possible thing you can do in early sobriety is get dumb.

Increase malleability.

Decrease rigidity.

Re-learn laughter.

Un-learn passivity.

Get childlike.

We enter recovery with opinions and fear and urgency and unwillingness all wrapped up in a tight knot of discontent.

It’s who we have become. And it’s seasoned with a hundred other dread emotions that counteract each other and leave us in perpetual neediness.

We are on the wrong side of a chasm and feel like we’ve fallen down it.

But we haven’t.

And with some instruction and just enough willingness to start leaning forward, we stand a chance to uncover again the wonder of living that came so naturally to the child we used to be.

Mulling in the past is a good recipe for depression, but if you must look back, look way back.

Look farther than your memory extends and greet the child who is still you. That’s the person who can accept the hope for tomorrow.

Now, stay willing to be teachable, but come forward to where your hands and feet are. You’ve got work to do. And you can do it.

God, help me love myself well.