In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Psalms 4:8
Now I’m not going to sit here and act like I know what danger really is. I grew up in a very good environment, was raised well and was given every opportunity.
But danger is relative too.
My slide into addiction certainly introduced the requisite dangers that come with the territory. I allowed risks and foolish decisions to begin to dictate my everyday living.
Though I was still insulated from violence, the spread of addiction into my life brought with it the unease of knowing I was digging my own grave.
Passing out took the place of sleep on many a night. The fog of addiction went with me through the days.
Living this way both becomes normal and remains an affront to what God intends. And I believe He intends for our good.
This is why the first weeks of being clean can often be a time of refuge once the detoxification period wears off. The peace of not scrambling to the next drink and stock piling enough of our fix settles on us and we can breathe.
It’s not a light switch, though. We have plenty of baggage to sort through. But the peace we get will grow as we work toward it. Leaving our agendas, seeking His and cleaning up the wreckage of the past.
Trust God, clean house, help others. Truly, it is this simple.
God, help me keep things simple, enjoying your peace.