Little Earthquakes

Little Earthquakes

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

‭‭1 John‬ ‭1‬:‭8

We are a fellowship of minimizers. Professional justifiers.

We want justice for others and mercy for ourselves.

We are stricken with a moral contradiction which tears us apart. For if we take an honest look deep into ourselves, we know that we’re full of it.

We know our actions don’t stack up to our professions. We know our standards for others are both unattainable for them and unreachable for us.

We cannot stop taking swings at the wind and find ourselves very thirsty as a result.

And we drink. We use. We hide.

Time and again we shove the truth deeper beneath our cover and so long as we don’t stop, the discontent it brings is muffled enough for us to press on.

Yes, selfishness is clearly our most deceptive enemy. Not only does it justify our insulation from the truth—that we are sinners in need of rescue—but it rationalizes lashing out at anyone who would offer help.

Take a moment to let that discontent wash over you the next time you come to a point of lucidity.

Before casting it aside, consider that your temporary discontent may be the prodding of an eternal God.

It takes guts you don’t have to let Him change you.

God, thank you for the discomfort that had to come first.