Lens Flare

Lens Flare

Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did.

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭6‬

Good examples are not hard to come by. They’re hard to follow.

And more specifically, they’re hard to begin following. It takes an exaggerated spiritual torque to put me into motion.

I do not treat my spiritual well-being as though it were something precious. I did not treat the spiritual walk I claim to seek with the respect it deserves.

But little at a time, moment at a time, I am able to lean toward it as I see it lived out in others. Too often, I am too focused on the mediocrity that seems enjoyable.

If I scratch a little deeper, and it really does not take a lot, there is a wellspring of examples available.

But I do have to do some looking. I do have to seek after that which I find. I do have to discern right from wrong. The wolf from the sheep.

My point is that there are all types of examples around me to follow.

The real heart of the matter is developing my own heart in such a way that it is attracted to the right things. My eyes will eventually find what my heart truly is seeking.

The real crux of the problem is having the courage to focus on that which truly matters.

God, tune my heart to you and focus my eyes on the good examples around me.