It's Not Me

It's Not Me

for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Philippians 2:13

As I look on the course of my recovery, it’s marked by so many people’s influence and wisdom and love that it becomes almost comical when I began to take any credit for the blessings that have developed over the years.

And sure, we make choices and follow through with decisions that are vital in the process, but God is clearly the architect. We are at best the brick layers.

The single most important decision that I made in early sobriety was to get a sponsor—a mentor.

The gift of willingness to follow directions from someone else changed the course of my life.

There is something spiritual about following directions, and my sponsors have impressed on me the essential fact of 12 step programs—that we don’t have to understand how they work. If we are willing to do the work, we can and will receive the results of the work.

God is at work in us through others at all times.

As I surrounded myself in the fellowship of recovery, with others who were on this journey, we strengthened each other.

As I look back, I see that I could never have done it alone, that I am indebted to pass it on to others and that my sobriety isn’t even about me in the first place.

It’s merely a tool from God that I can use to help others.

God, help me remember that I am a tool.