I am nothing

I am nothing

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬

It’s a tough pill. Running contrary to practically every fiber of my being, this idea of not being significant is both hurtful and disappointing.

It’s a paradox, though, so don’t dive off the deep end into despair yet.

To straighten out the bent, self-absorbed frame of reference we have become covered in through our addiction is a tall order. But it’s the primary focus and intent of twelve step work and of the message of scripture.

However, the value of our lives and the self-worth we must also hold on to and be thankful for cannot be discarded, right?

Right! It’s a “both/and” situation. Thank God we don’t have to choose an extreme and march blindly down that highway.

Yes, we must crucify the idea that we are the main character. We’ve run ourselves to the ground to this end chasing our whims and desires. But we are not unimportant either. We’ve been given an opportunity to pass on the good news we have received.

God is the answer. Yes it’s cliche. But this is a big truth. We find that when we begin seeking His will rather than our own and align ourselves to act selflessly for the interest of others, we are rewarded with a diminishing of the obsessions of ourselves.

We get to be used in His plan for the good of others in very significant ways. And as we reflect, we see where others have been instruments in our recovery in miraculous ways as well.

It’s the focus, the emphasis, the credit where we must always be careful. God is working, and pointing toward Him frees us of the responsibility to do what is impossible. It keeps us right-sized, sober and helpful.

God, work in and through me.