Freely Received
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
You know who else loves a cheerful giver?
Almost everyone.
We know this happy combination is good yet so often we retreat by small steps of seemingly well-intentioned caution into an abyss of telling self-centeredness.
We never admit a desire for this nor did Scrooge become Scrooge overnight.
But it is a common pitfall and just like drinking, even a taste of selfishness is too much.
Let us default to excessive cheerfulness and giving. The more we display of either, the easier the other becomes.
As I give —be that time or money, thoughts or work—my attitude is molded toward the cheerfulness and lightness of His spirit.
As my joy increases, it is easier to give of myself.
In the quicksand of my addiction, I sank deeper every time I acted out, but now I am able to live one day at a time in the sunlight of the spirit.
And how important this is for those finding recovery after us! We don’t recover alone as in a vacuum.
We recover together. And it is in the free and happy words of encouragement passed down that hope is kindled, new life is found, and recovery is discovered to be possible.
God, make me cheerful enough to be used by you.