Freely Available
Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?
Romans 9:21
Anyone can get sober right? Just follow the steps. Follow directions. Pray. Go to meetings. Go back to church. Go to rehab.
Fill in the blank with the normal healthy instructions.
It’s freely available, though there are plenty of costly paths to get here.
But what about those who cannot seem to grasp hold of lasting sobriety? What about those that come and go and spend more time gone than sober?
Are they just screwed? What are they not doing right?
Here’s the kicker that most people end up asking when they grasp a bit of continued sobriety: why did I get it, but they can’t?
If God is good, why can’t they find Him?
God is good. And holy. And infinite. And in charge. This segment of Romans shed a little light for me on the old conundrum in AA.
Rather than the question of “why me” I should be directing my attention to God’s will for me. It’s simply not up to me how he has designed things to transpire.
If I believe he is the Creator, that’s his business.
It doesn’t free me from trying to help others, but it does free me from the task of answering unanswerable questions. And further, from wasting time that could have been more productive elsewhere.
God, I want to understand but help me be okay with living instead.